Advertising in VR

Unity is the world’s leading high-performance and end-to-end creation engine, used to create rich, immersive, and interactive 2D, 3D, VR and AR experiences. We let creators build once and deploy anywhere, and today Unity deploys to over 25 platforms including new and emerging platforms across VR and AR. In fact, over 2/3 of all VR/AR content is made with Unity. And we’re bringing this experience and scale to advertising.

For brands advertisers, we’re creating a VR native ad format known as the Virtual Room:

  • It’s being created within the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) emerging ad experience guidelines
  • It’s a fully customizable mini app in which a brand creates an immersive experience that surfaces like an ad
  • It consists of 3 elements - the environment, objects, & interactions

The ad appears in a natural part of the game’s storyline. Never forced, the player has the ability to choose to enter into the room, in which they then become fully immersed in the brands experience for 30-60 seconds. Upon completion, they receive some sort of reward or gift for viewing, creating a memorable experience. For example:

Ready to explore the next foray in advertising? Unity provides creative development support and distribution across VR and non-VR mobile entertainment apps. Reach out below to develop the perfect program.