We picked out some sessions from Siggraph 2017 and Vision VR/AR Summit 2017, with a focus on dev tips for specific hardware. Enjoy!


1Mastering VR Rendering in Unity

David Borel, Manager, Oculus Engine Integrations breaks down the VR graphics pipeline and helps you understand VR quality and performance.


2XR development in Unity

Sara Stumbo, XR Evangelist at Unity Technologies, drives you through an overview of XR in Unity. She discusses the platforms supported and runs through multiple editor demos.


3Editor VR

Amir Ebrahimi and Matt Schoen from Unity Labs discuss building tools to match your team’s creativity, how you can architect for adaptability, and how to embrace design ambiguity in your production.


4Red Bull Air Race MR: How to deploy Unity VR skills for HoloLens development

Sol Rogers has a history deeply rooted in mixed reality technology. Starting in academia as a university lecturer for 15 years in Digital Animation, VFX and Emerging Technology at the University of Hertfordshire, he later founded REWIND in 2011. In this talk he explains how the team managed to forge a world-first immersive experience for the Red Bull Air Race, using the new design principles of Mixed Reality and working with the HoloLens.


5Unity + Octane: The path to holographic cinematic rendering

Jules Urbach from OTOY provides an overview of how the upcoming Octane and Unity integration can drive digital light field workflow across VR, XR and beyond.


6XR Graphics in Unity: Maximizing your game's potential

In this talk, the Unity XR Graphics team discuss some new rendering features they have been working on: their benefits, and best practices for using them.


7Improving your applications with VRWorks

Nvidia’s VRWorks graphics brings a new level of visual fidelity, performance, and responsiveness to virtual reality through features like Multi Resolution Shading, Lens Matched Shading, Single Pass Stereo rendering and VR SLI. Learn how these VRWorks features work and how to utilize them in your Unity projects.

With the release of 2017.1, Nvidia VRWorks for Unity is available for free on the Asset Store.


8Lessons from Oculus: Overcoming VR roadblocks

Chris Pruett from Oculus discusses some of the engineering and design roadblocks that developers often encounter as they ramp up in VR development, as well as case studies of practical ways to overcome them.


9Vive Tracker best practices: How to bring real world objects into VR

Vinay Narayan (HTC Vive) highlights how the Vive Tracker can be used from a hardware and software perspective to improve VR experiences. The Vive Tracker enables developers to motion track objects in VR without the need for other expensive products or software.


10Building AR apps with the Vuforia AR starter kit

David Beard (Vuforia) shows you how to get started developing AR apps with Vuforia's AR Starter Kit in the Unity Asset Store.